Bereavement Support

The Good Grief Cafe

A bereavement support group for Ludlow

Offering friendship, support and discussion

The loss of a loved one can be a bewildering and lonely experience – talking about it helps but it can be hard to find the right place and time. The Good Grief Group is a place to talk, listen and find mutual support from people who have been through a similar experience.

This is not counselling

Grief is not a mental health issue – it is a normal part of human experience. Everybody’s response is unique and some people do need help from a trained counsellor. The Good Grief Group is there for people who just need a safe space to talk, laugh and maybe make some new friends.
We welcome suggestions for the development of the group so please come along and join our journey.

Join us
The first Thursday of the month, 3.30pm to 5pm 

The Pea Green Café, Mascall Centre, Lower Galdeford, Ludlow, SY8 1RZ

It would be helpful if you could let us know in advance that you’d like to join us so please

call 01584 879035 or email